When Meeting With a Truck Accident Attorney, Boise Clients Will Learn Special Considerations



People who have been involved in motor vehicle collisions in Boise, Idaho often initially think all accidents are basically the same, regardless of the types of associated vehicles.

However, after speaking with a truck accident attorney, Boise residents will learn there are many factors that make incidents with trucks much different than those involving motorists who drive standard cars. Keep reading to learn about a few of them.

The Mechanics of What Happens During a Crash Are Different

Trucks may be very large, long, and heavy. Together, those factors and others mean truck and car collisions are not the same. Firstly, a truck usually takes much longer to stop. During a consultation with a truck accident attorney in Boise, individuals will be asked to describe precisely what happened. After gathering details, the lawyer may also determine a wreck occurred because the driver was not following protocols for safely making a turn or backing up.

Drivers of Trucks Have a Higher Likelihood of Being Fatigued

The majority of motorists on the road use their vehicles for everyday transportation, and usually don’t have to anticipate spending more than a few hours of uninterrupted time in a car. In contrast, as you might learn after meeting with a truck accident attorney, Boise drivers who make their livings on the roads are often tasked with carrying cargo across long distances while working under extremely tight deadlines.

Unfortunately that could mean some of them feel compelled to keep going despite feeling very tired. Weariness can make anyone more likely to get in a wreck, and that’s an especially dangerous reality for a driver who’s managing a rig that weighs thousands of pounds.

The Rules of the Road Are Different

Compared with people who drive cars, truckers must follow a separate set of regulations in order to be permitted to share the road with other motorists. That includes undergoing training, testing, and licensure that’s more rigorous than you might expect.

After working with a truck accident attorney, Boise clients discover there are many legal differences associated with truck collisions. It’s always best to seek professional guidance. Contact the Fox Law Office to request an appointment now.


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